Sutra Selfie Cartridge Vaporizer by Sutra Vape
Sutra Selfie Cartridge Vaporizer by Sutra Vape
Sutra Selfie Cartridge Vaporizer by Sutra Vape
The Sutra Selfie by Sutra Vape is an auto draw oil vaporizer. After our huge success with the Sutra Mini, our Sutra Selfie takes it one step further. This 3.7V vaporizer comes with a 250mAH li-ion battery and magnetic thread adapters to fit all of your cartomizers. The included cartomizer has a 0.5ml capacity as well. It’s a small 2” x 1” unit without any buttons—just inhale naturally to activate the device. The Sutra Selfie is the ideal stealth device for anyone looking to enjoy life to the fullest. Check out why people are raving about the Sutra Selfie on social media for yourself.
Key Features:
- 3.7W
- Magnetic Thread Adapters
- Accommodates Larger Cartridges
- Micro USB Charging High Rate Discharge Lithium Ion Battery
- 2" Tall by 1" Wide