Simply Ice Strawberry 120ml
Simply Ice Strawberry 120ml
Simply Ice Strawberry Vape Juice Review
Enjoy a intoxicating blend of freshly picked strawberries and a touch of menthol when vaping Simply Ice Strawberry 120ml. Like the name states, each flavor from their juice line is simple and to the point. No need for fancy blends or extravagant flavors, Simply Ice Strawberry is just that. They take a fruit flavor profile and perfect it. Making it seem like you are physically eating the real thing. If you are a fruit connoisseur then this flavor is your ideal flavor.
With each inhale of Simply Ice Strawberry your taste buds will be greeted by a strawberry flavor so real that if you close your eyes you will feel like you are taking a bite into a freshly picked and juicy strawberry. You will experience the sweet then followed by a slightly tarty tone. On exhale a perfect touch of menthol will emerge and perfectly tie this wonderful flavor together.
Simply Ice Strawberry will come in 2 X 60ml Chubby Gorilla Bottles and will be available in the nicotine levels 0MG, 3MG, 6MG.