Parfait by Simply Salt 30ml
Parfait by Simply Salt 30ml
Simply Salt Parfait Review
Why choose between a fruity flavor or a dessert flavor when you can have both with Parfait by Simply Salt 30ml. Each hit will satisfy all your cravings. Consisting of a delicious strawberry parfait, this premium salt nicotine ejuice will take you on a flavorful journey consisting of tarty tones, fruity notes, and savory satisfaction. If you are a vaper looking for a well balanced and full bodied salt nic flavor look no further than Simply Salt Dessert Parfait.
With each inhale of Simply Salt Parfait your taste buds will first experience a the slightly tarty nature of parfait. It will be lightly blended with ripe strawberry slices that will delight your senses. Upon exhale is where the dessert side of this yummy flavor emerges and provides you with a unforgettable ending. Overall Simply Salt Parfait is a well rounded and flavor packed flavor that can be enjoyed at any time of the day.
Parfait by Simply Salt will arrive in 30ml Chubby Gorilla Bottles and you will have the option of choosing between the nicotine levels 35MG and 50MG.