Banana Milk by Kilo Moo Series 60ml
Banana Milk by Kilo Moo Series 60ml
Kilo Banana Milk Vape Juice Review
Kilo Moo Series Banana Milk is a bowl of freshly sliced Bananas mixed with creamy, fresh milk. A delightful inhale filled with the sensation of Bananas and refreshing exhale of creamy goodness.
The Moo Series from KILO eliquids is the newest 60ml series to be released; featuring a common "Milk" theme among the six different flavors. Packaged in KILO's eye-catching 60ml series design, they come with classy retail packaging along with a 60ml glass dropper bottle. If you've enjoyed Kilo Eliquids before, be sure to give Kilo Moo Series Banana Milk a try!